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Autumn Edition


Kings of Tallinn 2024: Autumn Edition on esimene sügisene väljaanne selle kümnendi jooksul, mis toob mitmekesise programmi Olympic Park Casinos ja Hilton Tallinn Parkis. Üritus toimub 18.-27. oktoobril, pakkudes 58 pokkeriüritust, sealhulgas mitmesuguseid pokkeriformaate ja turniiristruktuure. Põhiturniiriks on 1100 € sisseostuga “Kings of Tallinn Autumn Edition” Main Event (24.-25.okt.), mille garanteeritud auhinnafond on muljetavaldavad 500 000 €.

Autumn EditionAutumn Edition festival tutvustab uuendusi Põhja-Euroopa pokkerimaastikul, andes võimaluse nii kohalikele kui kaugemalt tulijatele luua sõprussuhteid ühes maailma sõbralikumatest pokkerikogukondadest. Tähelepanu keskmes on segamängud ja eriüritused naistele, laiendades pokkeri kättesaadavust ja kaasatust. Sisseostud varieeruvad, ulatudes freerollidest kuni 5000 euroni, pakkudes sellega võimalusi igasuguse eelarvega mängijatele.

Festival algab 18. oktoobril Freebuy Satellite’iga, mis pakub vähemalt seitset kohta 250 € NLH DeepStack avaüritusele. Teiste tähelepanuväärsete turniiride hulka kuulub mitmeid päevi kestev 350 € 8-Game, 250 € Open-Face Chinese Pineapple ja erinevad Progressive Bounty turniirid. Festivali viimane päev, 27. oktoober, märgib 1100 € Kings of Tallinn Main Eventi finaali ning mitmeid teisi otsustavaid üritusi.

Kokkuvõttes, Kings of Tallinn 2024: Autumn Edition tõotab pakkuda erakordset pokkerikogemust nii kogenud mängijatele kui ka uustulnukatele, tuues kokku erinevaid pokkerivorme ja kogukonnaüritusi, mis peegeldavad mängu mitmekesisust ja kaasavust.

Online turniir:

  • Laupäev, 26. oktoober:
    21:00: €150 NLH Kings of Tallinn OlyBet Online Progressive Bounty, €5,000 GUARANTEED! Early Bonus Chips

    • See üritus toimub OlyBet pokkeritoas, pakkudes mängijatele võimalust osaleda virtuaalselt. Tegemist on Progressive Bounty turniiriga, mille auhinnafond on garanteeritud vähemalt 5,000 eurot ning mängijad saavad lisaboonusena varajase registreerimise žetoone.

Online satelliitturniirid: https://boonused.org/olybet-pokkerituba-toob-sinuni-erakordse-voimaluse/

Kings of Tallinn 2024

Kings of Tallinn 2024: Autumn Edition’i ajakava

  1. Reede, 18. oktoober:
    • 13:00: FREEBUY Satellite, €20 Rebuys & Add-On, 7 x €250 Seats GTD
    • 15:00: €250 NLH DeepStack Opening Event Day 1, Plays 10 Levels Day 1
    • 20:00: €150 NLH Progressive Bounty Hyper Turbo, €40 Progressive Bounties, 8-handed
    • 22:00: €80 Mega Satellite to €555 Kings of Tallinn Championship, 10 x €555 SEATS GTD

  2. Laupäev, 19. oktoober:
    • 12:00: €250 NLH DeepStack Opening Event Final Day
    • 13:00: FREEBUY Satellite to €350 NLH Kings of Tallinn Cup, €20 Rebuys & Add-On, 7 x €350 kohta GTD
    • 14:00: €350 8-Game Day 1, 6-handed, Plays Down to Final Table
    • 17:00: €350 NLH Kings Of Tallinn Cup Flight 1A, Plays 10 Levels Day 1
    • 20:00: €150 PLO4/PLO5/PLO6 Progressive Bounty, €40 Progressive Bounties, 6-handed
    • 22:00: €80 Mega Satellite to €555 Kings of Tallinn Championship, 10 x €555 SEATS GTD

  3. Pühapäev, 20. oktoober:
    • 12:00: €350 NLH Kings of Tallinn Cup Flight 1B, Plays 10 Levels Day 1
    • 12:00: €350 8-Game Final Day
    • 12:00: €250 Open-face Chinese Pineapple, 3-handed, Final 4 Play with One Sitting out
    • 14:00: €150 NLH DeepStack, 8-handed
    • 16:00: €2,000 NLH Progressive Bounty Day 1, €800 Progressive Bounties, 6-handed, Plays Down to Money Day 1
    • 18:00: €80 Mega Satellite to €555 Kings of Tallinn Championship, 10 x €555 SEATS GTD
    • 18:00: €250 HORSE, 6-handed, Plays Down to Money Day 1
    • 20:00: €350 NLH Kings of Tallinn Cup Flight 1C, Plays 10 Levels Day 1
    • 22:00: €150 Satellite to €1,100 PLO4/PLO5 Championship, 5 x €1,100 SEATS GTD

  4. Esmaspäev, 21. oktoober:
    • 12:00: €350 NLH Kings of Tallinn Cup Final Day
    • 13:00: €2,000 NLH Progressive Bounty Final Day
    • 13:00: €250 HORSE Final Day
    • 13:00: €150 NLH Progressive Bounty, €40 Progressive Bounties
    • 15:00: €1,100 PLO4/PLO5 Championship Day 1, 6-handed, Plays Down to Money Day 1
    • 15:00: FREEBUY Satellite Awarding Tickets to €5,000 Satellite at 19:30, €10 Rebuys & Add-On, 7 x €150 Seats GTD
    • 17:00: €80 Mega Satellite to €555 Kings of Tallinn Championship, 10 x €555 SEATS GTD
    • 19:00: €555 NLH Kings of Tallinn Championship Flight 1A, Plays 9 Levels Day 1
    • 19:30: €150 Satellite to the €5,000 NLH Progressive Bounty, 2 x €5,000 SEATS GTD
    • 21:00: €350 NLH/PLO4/PLO5, Button Round Each, 8-handed
    • 22:00: €150 Mega Satellite to the €1,100 Kings of Tallinn Main Event, 10 x €1,100 SEATS GTD

  5. Teisipäev, 22. oktoober:
    • 12:00: €555 NLH Kings of Tallinn Championship Flight 1B, Plays 9 Levels Day 1
    • 13:00: €1,100 PLO4/PLO5 Championship Final Day
    • 13:00: FREEBUY Satellite to Event #28 €150 NLH Celebrity Special, Unlimited €10 Rebuys & Add-on, 5 x €150 SEATS GTD
    • 15:00: €250 NLH Progressive Bounty, €100 Progressive Bounties, 8-handed
    • 15:30: KOT Autumn 2024 Ladies Meet & Greet with Ladies Only Free Satellite, €150 SEATS TO TOP 5
    • 17:00: €5,000 NLH Progressive Bounty Day 1, €2,000 Progressive Bounties, 6-handed, Plays 14 Levels Day 1
    • 18:00: Kings of Tallinn Autumn Edition 2024 Meet & Greet, Open to All, Complimentary Drinks & Entertainment
    • 19:30: €150 NLH Celebrity Special, Bounty Gifts on Guest Players
    • 21:00: €555 NLH Kings of Tallinn Championship Flight 1C, 30 min levels, Plays 9 Levels Day 1
    • 22:00: €150 Mega Satellite to the €1,100 Kings of Tallinn Main Event, 10 x €1,100 SEATS GTD

  6. Kolmapäev, 23. oktoober:
    • 12:00: €555 NLH Kings of Tallinn Championship Day 2, Late Reg. Closing at 14:20, Plays Down to Final 16
    • 13:00: €150 NLH DeepStack Progressive Bounty, €40 Progressive Bounties
    • 13:00: €5,000 NLH Progressive Bounty Final Day
    • 15:00: €1,100 NLH Kings of Tallinn Main Event Flight 1A, Plays 8 Levels Day 1, €500,000 GUARANTEED!
    • 17:00: €150 NLH/ PLO4/ PLO5, Button Round Each, 8-handed
    • 19:00: €1,100 NLH Kings of Tallinn Main Event Flight 1B, 30 min levels, Plays 8 Levels Day 1, €500,000 GUARANTEED!
    • 19:00: €250 PL 2-7 Triple Draw, 6-handed
    • 21:00: €250 NLH Hyper Turbo, 8-handed
    • 22:00: €150 Mega Satellite to the €1,100 Kings of Tallinn Main Event, 10 x €1,100 SEATS GTD

  7. Neljapäev, 24. oktoober:
    • 12:00: €1,100 NLH Kings of Tallinn Main Event Flight 1C, Plays 8 Levels Day 1, €500,000 GUARANTEED!
    • 12:00: €150 Last Chance Satellite to the €1,100 Kings of Tallinn Main Event, 5 x €1,100 SEATS GTD
    • 13:00: €555 NLH Kings of Tallinn Championship Final Day
    • 13:00: €250 PL 7 Card Stud/7 Card Stud Hi-Lo, Round of Each, 7-handed
    • 15:00: €250 NLH
    • 17:00: €1,100 NLH Kings of Tallinn Main Event Flight 1D, Plays 8 Levels Day 1, €500,000 GUARANTEED!
    • 17:00: €150 PL Sökö Hi/Sökö Lo, 5 Card Stud Hi and Lo, Round of Each, 8-handed
    • 19:00: €250 PLO4/PLO5/PLO6 Progressive Bounty, €100 Progressive Bounties, 6-handed
    • 21:00: €150 NLH Hyper Turbo, 8-handed
    • 22:00: €80 Satellite to €1,100 NLH Progressive Bounty, 5 x €1,100 SEATS GTD

  8. Reede, 25. oktoober:
    • 12:00: €1,100 NLH Kings of Tallinn Main Event Day 2, Late Reg. Closing at 16:40, Plays 10 Levels Day 2, €500,000 GUARANTEED!
    • 14:00: €150 NLH Progressive Bounty, €40 Progressive Bounties
    • 17:00: €250 PL Sviten Championship Day 1, Five-card PLO & Draw, 6-handed, Plays Down to Money Day 1
    • 19:00: €1,100 NLH Progressive Bounty Day 1, €400 Progressive Bounties, 8-handed, Plays 12 Levels Day 1
    • 21:00: €250 NLH Hyper Turbo, 8-handed
    • 22:00: €150 Satellite to the €3,000 NLH, 3 x €3,000 SEATS GTD!

  9. Autumn EditionLaupäev, 26. oktoober:
    • 12:00: €1,100 NLH Kings of Tallinn Main Event Day 3, €500,000 GUARANTEED!
    • 12:00: €1,100 NLH Progressive Bounty Final Day, €400 Progressive Bounties, 8-handed
    • 12:00: FREE Ladies Only Satellite! Freezeout, Top 5 Win €150 NLH Queens Tickets!
    • 12:00: €150 Satellite to the €3,000 NLH, 3 x €3,000 SEATS GTD!
    • 13:00: €250 PL Sviten Championship Final Day
    • 14:00: €250 NLH Bounty, €50 Bounties
    • 15:00: €150 NLH Queens, Ladies Only, Queens of Tallinn 2024 Tickets Added
    • 17:00: €3,000 NLH Day 1, 6-handed, Plays 14 Levels Day 1
    • 19:00: €150 Five-card Mix, Sviten/PLO5/5-card Triple Draw, Pot Limit, High Only, 6-handed
    • 21:00: €150 NLH Kings of Tallinn OlyBet Online Progressive Bounty, €5,000 GUARANTEED! Early Bonus Chips
    • 21:00: €350 PLO4/PLO5 Progressive Bounty Day 1, Button Round Each, €100 Progressive Bounties, 8-handed, Plays 13 Levels Day 1
    • 22:00: €250 NLH Hyper Turbo, 8-handed

  10. Pühapäev, 27. oktoober:
    • 12:00: €1,100 NLH Kings of Tallinn Main Event Final Day, €500,000 GUARANTEED!
    • 12:00: €3,000 NLH Final Day
    • 12:00: €555 NLH, 6-Handed
    • 13:00: €350 PLO4/PLO5 Progressive Bounty Final Day
    • 14:00: €150 NLH Mini-Main Event, DeepStack Hyper Turbo, Last Chance for Team Points!
    • 16:00: €80 Satellite to Kings of Vilnius 2024, 2 x €555 SEATS GTD & 2 x €1,100 SEATS GTD

Kings of Tallinn 2024: Autumn Edition pakub mitmekülgset ja põnevat pokkerikogemust kõikidele osalejatele.

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